Monday, August 30, 2021


 I fell down a thousand times beaten and broken
 I rose from the ashes a thousand times as if there was no pain
 Like the cockroach that refuses to die
 Like the eagle that patiently waits before swooping down on its prey
 Like the Phoenix whose birth lies in its death
 Like the quintessential human defined by his resilience

I slept a thousand nights dreaming of damsels in their majesty and splendour
I woke up a thousand mornings to the smell of coffee and daily mundane chores
I travelled in my mind across the beautiful mountains, lakes and into the fairy lands of wonder like a wander lust
I swept through galaxies that created us and went past the gods and goddesses created by us
I zoomed into the atom and explored its naked beauty in my solitude
And then I fell down once again beaten and broken

I broke the rules I created for me
I made journeys that were never meant for me
I kept looking into my soul through every night and day
I won hearts all along the way; and in a jiffy gambled them away

In a world that mistakes familiarity as understanding, the only thing I know is I do not know
In a world that confuses with knowing the name and knowing, I know nothing at all
What is Life? I asked a thousand times
What is Bliss? I asked a thousand times
What is Purpose? I asked a thousand times
I fell down all the thousand times
And then I rose from the ashes a thousand times to ask once again